Post Gratuated studies

Hello everyone again! Today I want to talk about postgraduate studies.
Well as you know, I am studying Design on Universidad de Chile I am on the second year on this career. The mention I would to take on the design terms it is Communicational or graphic. Because I love the iconic ID´s on Television, posters, Publicity and besides the motion graphics on some videos that I watched on YouTube.
Therefore, when I finish the career at the postgraduate studies I think the possibility to investigate the history of the motion graphic’s and visual iconic on the Chilean TV around the 80’s and 90’s because it’s very interesting to see the abstract part of the Dictatorship military civic and the transition to the democracy on the postmodern design.
Before I entry to the university, my hobbies was watch old commercial videos of Chilean TV, because I feel nostalgia to watch the past trough the graphic on the Chilean TV channels.
I would like to see my Thesis on the Library of FAU, to show about a nexus between the graphic design and the Chilean historical social politic on the Chilean TV. Because we need to create knowledge to distribute to the students.



  1. Woow!! I really like your plans to the feature! I would like to see you would be successful in all this areas! Luck!!


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